Call for application to the PhD in Physics at the University of Torino cycle XXXVIII a.y. 2022-2023
Published: Sunday, May 1, 2022
The call for applications to the PhD in Physics at the University of Torino is now open.
The call for application and all the information to apply are available at the Doctoral School website.
The deadline to submit an applications is 31st May 2022 at 12:00 noon (CEST Time).
- Call for application
- Contacts:
The PhD program in Physics at the University of Torino offers:
- high-level research training in many experimental and theoretical fields
- 3-year fellowships (17500 /yr)
- a broad set of educational opportunities
- close collaboration with national research institutes (INAF, INFN, INRiM, CNR, etc.)
The Physics Department in Torino has a long-standing tradition of excellence in many areas of physics and since 2018 it is has been officially awarded as a Center of Excellence by the Italian Research Ministry.
Attached is the flyer