About this programme
The 3-years PhD program in Physics has two main goals, namely the development of a broad background in basic physics, and (through the completion of a PhD thesis project) the expansion of advanced research expertise in a more specialized area.
At the Physics Department of the University of Torino, many high-level research programs in both experimental and theoretical physics are actively pursued, as detailed at Research groups page.
Over the 2018-2022 period, the Physics Department was funded by the Italian Research Ministry as a Center of Excellence.
Our PhD program aims at actively integrating both Italian and international graduate students into their respective research projects since the very first year, with the mentorship and support of supervisors and co-supervisors who are internationally recognized in their field of expertise. At the same time, the program includes a broad offer of advanced educational opportunities, with specialized seminars, courses and workshops on topics ranging on both advanced scientific topics and transversal skills (communication, planning, etc.).
The PhD activity is very often carried in close synergy with research institutions both at the local (INAF, INFN, INRiM, etc.), national (CNR, ENEA, etc.) and international (CERN, Gran Sasso Laboratory, FermiLab, JINR, ESRF, etc.) level, and/or in collaboration with R&D laboratories in local industries (ViShay Semiconductors, etc.). The progress of both the research program and the educational activities of each PhD student is yearly monitored by the Scientific Board, which includes not only professors of the University of Torino, but also researcher of consociated research centers (INAF, INFN) as well as international members (CERN, MIT, CNRS, etc.).
PhD students recruited within the graduate program have access to the departmental library, as well as to state-of-the-art laboratories and to the Competence Center on Scientific Calculus. Adequate office spaces and computational resources are made available to all PhD students.
Course details
Type: PhDs
Programme lenght: 3 years
Programme location: Turin
Department: Physics Department
Contact us: dottorato.fisica@unito.it
Language: English
Doctoral School: website
Scientific body: Scientific Board