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Bayesan inference
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Big Data Science and Machine Learning
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Dark Matter physics
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Dark matter tensions on the scale of galaxies
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Data Analysis Techniques
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Effective field theory techniques for New Physics searches
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Experiment design in particle physics
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Experimental implementation of quantum devices
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Hands on fitting and statistical tools for data analysis
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to non-perturbative solutions in field theory
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to on-shell amplitudes
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to Supersymmetry
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to the large-N limit
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to the Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to turbulence
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Neutron Imaging and Neutron Diffraction
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (PDE)
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Quantum communication
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Search and characterization for extrasolar planets
Academic year: 2021/2022
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Academic English
Academic year: 2022/2023
Advanced Nuclear Physics
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Big Data Science and Machine Learning
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Cherenkov detectors for particle and astroparticle physics
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Corpi minori del Sistema Solare e loro interazione con la Terra
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Dark Matter and physics of the early Universe
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Effective field theory techniques for New Physics searches
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Experimental techniques for neutron detection
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to constrained systems
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to FPGA Programming Using Xilinx Vivado and VHDL
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to non-perturbative solutions in field theory
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to soft-collinear effective field theory (SCET)
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Introduction to turbulence
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Physics education: methodologies and laboratory technologies
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Quantum communication
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Search and characterization for extrasolar planets
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Tecniche di Fasci Ionici per la Scienza dei Materiali (FIS0231)
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
Tensioni del modello a materia oscura sulla scala delle galassie
Academic year: 2022/2023
Degree course in: PhD in Physics
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